Having Trouble Hearing the Music or Seeing the Video?

If nothing happened when you tried to play a song or video from the previous page, check to make sure:

  • you have speakers on your system
  • your speakers are turned on
  • the volume is turned up
  • you are connected at a speed of 28.8 or higher

If you've checked these things and the music still won't play, then you probably need to add the RealMedia software for your browser (version 3.0 or later). (AOL users see below) Once you take the few minutes to do the free download, it will be installed in your browser so you'll be able to hear RealAudio and see RealVideo here and on other sites all over the web. You'll only need to do this once.

So just click below and follow the instructions. It should only take about 7 minutes or so to download, then a couple more for it to self-install:

Get your free RealMedia player here. Click the option for the Basic Player.

If you have a RealMedia Player but you're having problems, you may want to download and install the latest RealMedia software by clicking the button above. If that doesn't help, you may want to try the RealPlayer support page.

AOL Users

AOL browsers need custom RealAudio software to work with AOL's browsers for Windows PCs and Macs. You can download the AOL RealMedia software from the AOL Plug-Ins page.